Ivo Dell'AmbrogioHome | Teaching | Research | Publications | Collaborators | Meetings |
(last change: 2024/05/30) |
I am a maître de conférences (associate professor, senior lecturer) in mathematics, working with the Geometry and Topology team at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé of the University of Lille. I am a member of the GDR 2875 and ChroK research networks. Office: M2 - 212 Phone: +33 (0)3 20 43 62 82 Email: ivo.dell-ambrogio(snail)univ-lille.fr
Laboratoire de mathématiques Paul Painlevé |
Lille topology seminar ArXiv MathSciNet zbMATH FDList ChroK GDR 2875 AHGT BIREP seminar mathoverflow n-Café thecostofknowledge |